8/30/04^[10:00pm]--Messed up day...tired as hell in classes. Got the fiber card, turns
out the thing wasn't working right. Though when I tried to get it from somewhere else, some guy mentioned how the older card
had driver problems when you use BitTorrent. So...that might be it. After that, did chem with study group and went to Zeta
Beta Tau's Wing Night. Assload of chicken wings. Their atomic shit is insane. Paul says they use Insanity Sauce or something.
Some guy downed a whole shot of that shit for $50. Definitely not worth it...and tomorrow I work...gay hella shit...so tired...
8/29/04^[9:30pm]--Typed up bio shit. Did nothing much. Got some flyer to go to some frat's
free hot wings. Sounds like good shit. Gonna try it. Hope I don't end up gettin explosive diarrhea from the atomic wings like
the roommate did. Funny shit. Pfft...class starts again tomorrow. Next Monday=Labor Day holiday=4 day weekend. Good shit...
8/28/04^[7:30pm]--Did nothing...accomplished some work. Pfft. Someone please call so I can
keep from dying of boredom.
8/24/04^[11:16pm]--Bah....class again tomorrow. Decent day today. Woke up around noon. Had
lunch, studied, and got so much shit to do. Need a planner. Definitely need a planner...and contacted the guy bout the $20
fiber network card. Turns out the guy forgot to get it back from some other guy. Pissed me off. Though...he felt bad, so he
ended up ordering me one from eBay for $35 and sellin me his cable for a discounted $5. Puts the total at $40. Not bad...gonna
get a hub for roommate to share connection.
8/23/04^[12:42am]--School starts tomorrow. Damn that sucks. But at least that's not just for
me. Haha poor summer UT bastards. Summer AND fall. Man that's gotta suck. Well...hell begins. And I'm sick too. Right at the
beginning of the school year. Damn that sucks even more. Turns out bro gave his cold to my sis too. Well, sucks for the both
of us. Damn thing's annoying as hell to have shit leaking out of your nose. Also headache, but I think that was from Deus
Ez. Gotta go to sleep now. Gotta wake up early as hell tomorrow. Dammit...laterZ.
8/22/04^[3:00pm]--Think I might be sick. Bro probably gave me the flu. Great sendoff present
eh? School starts tomorrow. Gonna suck. Gotta wake up early tomorrow. Gay...
8/20/04^[2:31am]--Oh...and sorry this is a little late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANGU!!! THE BIG
18! Means legal cigarettes and porn for you.
8/19/04^[1:30am]--Damn...so much damn walking...and those textbooks are ass expensive. So
far the courses are:
BIOL 215, M-W-F
CHEM 105, M-W-F
PSCL 352 (psychology-physiological), M-W-F
PSCL 321 (psychology-abnormal), M-W-F
So...as I'm sure you can tell, all the classes are basically on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with a bio lab every wednesday
from 6-9pm. So wednesdays are gonna be some tough shits...and on M,W, and F got bio and two psych classes back to back
with 10 minutes to spare. Then it's lunch for a coupla hours and then Chem. PE's at 2pm on Tues and Thurs so I basically have
almost a free day for that. Thank god....And congratulations Ev on your new cell phone!
8/17/04^[1:00am]--So first day of orientation done. Past coupla days were spent settling in
and everything. Hard as hell fitting all the luggage in the car. Now everything is setup. The only problem now is that I gotta
goto Wal-Mart and trade in the stupid wireless receiver which keeps changing speeds and whatnot. So yeah, no SC or anything
for a while. Downloads isn't that bad, but it's nothing like that fiber optic stuff they had. Oh well...day two tomorrow.
They got decent Chinese food around this place...not sure about the regular stuff though. Pfftt....gotta do course picking
tomorrow...will be interesting...
8/9/04^[12:38am]--So...coupla days went and helped out Benny's cuzin build his comp. Well...I
basically did the whole building. His cuz bought a really nice gfx card tho...a 128mb geforceFX 5900 overclocked...well
that was done. Today went to Corpus to do the music diploma thing. Kenny stayed over till like 3am playin Red Fag Revolver.
Wat a fucking retarded game. So yeah, then played Super Smash Bros. with Jas for a while and later he ended up tryin to be
the webmaster for the God Clan. Upon his insistence, I've made him and honorary high god. But...he doesn't play anyway, so
it's not like he's gonna ruin our rep. But I have to admit, he did do a decent job on my livejournal that I only plan to have
one post on. So yeah, anyway went to get the diploma thing done this afternoon. And now it's all over. I am free. For the
next 2 days. Before hell is unleashed upon the snowy fields of the Cleveland institution. My hell, that is =).
8/5/04^[11:10pm]--Sold the car! One day of ads in Greensheet and like 10 ppl called about
it. Weird thing tho: all the people who called were black people from Downtown Houston. Buncha related black ppl ended up
buyin it for $480. Unfortunately, parents ended up takin the cash. So yeah, tomorrow gonna mow the lawn...again...and then
goin to Benny's to get his cuz's comp workin. Saturday goin to Corpus, and after that it's a week before I head off to college.
8/4/04^[4:08am]--For every five to die, one has learnt to fly. Rest in Peace~
8/3/04^[11:30pm]--Tired...not sure why. So got the overclocking refined. It's manual 10% OC+7%
Auto OC, meaning I turn it up by 10% from 2.6 to 2.8, and the comp variates the cpu by another 7%, making the range from 2.8-3.0
ghz. A nice deal. Nothin like a free upgrade. Temp actually went down after overclocking, which is freaking me out. Went from
27C to 25, but it's on maximum load on all threads (both processors) the temp peaks at 35C. Still, it's lower than Henry's
idle 43C. That is fucked up. Currently tryin to get doom3 workin.
8/2/04^[6:41pm]--So...went to some college sendoff thing on Sat, met some interesting people.
Later that night hosted a little lan party with Benny, Buddha, Chris, Alex, and Jeff. Jeff and Alex left early, while everyone
else stayed till morning. Ate at Denny's for breakfast. Later that night went to Ocean Palace for dinner. Crazy good seafood...those
walnut fried shrimps were the best. Today went to movies with Bo to watch Bourne Identity, I Robot, and Harold and Kumar go
to white castle. All good movies. Pissed and tired. Not in the mood to chat. I'm out. LaterZ.