7/30/04^[2:17am]--So tired...went to Henry's to fix his comp, which had like a billion problems.
The poor kid was convinced he could put it together himself, which he did. But he didn't do a great job since it's all fucked
up. First problem was he didn't know why FF7 won't install, till I showed him to explore the cd drive. Then all these other
problems he had...man...went to Old Place to eat today. Had like 30 dumplings...damn their dumplings are good...30 is about
2-3 lbs worth. Otherwise...thanks Ev for the concern. I am pe4chy. And Henry is the dumbass of the day. 40F my ass.
7/27/04^[11:47pm]--Scathing FuRy.
7/26/04^[2:22am]--So...went to Corpus today. Had the lesson, found out Jas had a problem
with downloading ringtones, and also found out mom's T-Zones service also works, even though none of us signed up for it.
Good thing tho. Then called up my roommate, who I thought was on vacation. Turned out they didn't get my number clearly or
somethin. So yeah, he's a tall polish guy. Sounds familiar? Think Jakub. But...Jakub was gay. So yeah, had a long chat bout
music, stuff we're bringing, and etc. Watched American Beauty. Great movie, albeit a little weird. Chattin now...
7/20/04^[10:30am]--So here I am, sitting in a seat at my bro's daycare center. My job: watch
over him. Basically the kid is supposed to get used to the place, but as of yet he hasn't. Since at the moment he's not screaming
his little lungs out, I'm going to assume he's doing fine. Which leaves me to my other task: completing that damn novel. I
had just gotten past the first section, affectionately titled Lolita. Interestingly enough, most of the novel wasn't about
Lolita, but instead reminded me of my chemistry 1 teacher of old, Mrs. Aparicio, who would randomly insert anecdotes about
her sons and babble off topic for hours. The woman did have a thing for fire though, which was probably the only reason I
didn't shoot myself in that class which was, althought supposedly instructional, was albeit extraordinarily boring. So yes,
as Nafisi and Aparicio have both consistently demostrated through me, the author wanders off topic quite often, with random
inserts toward the misery of herself and others. Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around eh? And wat's with Lolita.
It seems to me that the novel is the materialization of Nabokov's own personal fantasies. I have yet to read the novel myself,
but I can safely assume that there are some very...descriptive portions of the text that would probably be too thorough to
be simply an innocent fabrication. So thus as it may, Nabokov was a pervert. Not to mention, a novel about an old man raping
a 12 year old could hardly be related to the personal life of the Iranians potrayed by Nafisi. However, I'm sure their excitement
comes not from the discussion of the novel, but instead their own guilty thoughts. As Lolita is referenced towards the innocence
and fragility of a child, the author tries to reveal the group's own problems and helplessness in the society they dwelled.
However, unless their metaphor relates to the regime being Humbert (the old man) and its inhabitants as Lolita, it would be
a poor example as support for their platform. Interestingly enough, it seems to myself that I have come across my own idea
of the best link between the novel and the society of the author's time and place. As I mentioned before, my example would
reside on the metaphor of Lolita being the helpless inhabitants of the supressive regime (Humbert). I'm sure I can be
disproved that there can be a better example, and I don't mind being proven wrong. However, I'm sure that mine provides a
greater depth of understanding than Nafisi's excuse towards the helplessness of the participants of her group.
7/19/04^[11:40pm]--So...recently not much happened. Did some errands, and can't believe I
still gotta read this stupid book for summer reading. Can't believe no one else has a summer reading book. Damn CW. I mean,
if they chose something like Ender's Game or something like that I wouldn't really mind. But "Reading Lolita in Tehran"?!!
I mean wtf. It's just like the Diary of Anne Fart. Cept her diary was kinda fun to read, while Nafisi's "memoirs" are pointless,
full of random bullshit that attempts to be deep, and just boring as hell. I mean, I could come up with better crap than that.
I mean, I can make a random (albeit antisentimental) memoir. Hence:
As I loomed over my novel written by such an exquisitely
pathetic author that I have never heard of, my mind began to drift towards those topics that would normally not be discussed
in the memoirs of that author. It was not a wave of realization of my existence or any reflection upon my current state of
being, but instead an utter repulsion towards the incredibly debilitating scripture that Mrs. Nafisi provides in her work.
But yet, as my thoughts progress, I peer deeper into her writing in hopes that her experiences might provide me with some
insight into the inner turmoil of my own mentality. But alas, it had only devoured whatever scrap of light that still glimmered
in the dark recess of my consciousness. Such as it was, stories of Iranian women secretly reading novels did not appeal to
me; neither were their attempts to stand out and rebel against their government in subtle and private ways. But wait, perhaps
I may be prejudiced against her since the start, which may provide a reason for my failure to realize her messages. But, that
can't be it. I actually believed that there was something worth reading in the bland, cream colored text plastered with
two women huddled around a book. One glance at their intense interest in whatever the bullshit they were reading made me realize
that such useless matters are of no importance to me. Frankly, I did not care for their escape from reality. It was my own
reality that was at stake here, and I did not want any Iranian women reading Lolita in Tehran having to do with any of it.
If I wanted to "rebel" in the same way they did, I might as well have rendered myself helpless in a narcotic bliss. Alas,
I could do no such thing, as my conscience would not allow me to perform such a blatantly pathetic and unhealthy act. Much
like ingesting wholesome morsels, I would prefer to stick with my regimen of junk food and SoBe to provide me with my natural
high, instead of some scraps of paper containing words written about someone reading other books. What a paradox. A book about
other people reading other books. I mean, normally such an idea would be a monument towards the ingenuity of the human mind,
but in this case, Mrs. Nafisi fails miserably. Not only does she take the recipe for success and defiles the sanctity of such
an idea, but she also throws into the cauldron her own snakes, scorpions and whatnot to create her demonic stew of insipid
blight. Such are the ways of those who force others to suffer under their politically incorrect method of brainwashing. But
I believe I have spoken long enough. In terms of the idiot, I would usually say "don't believe everything you read," but the
idiot who would really listen to that would just not believe what I just wrote. What a Catch-22. So, there's not much I can
do except exposing those who have not suffered a glimpse into the evils of reflectional memoirs, which Mrs. Nafisi has
demonstrated most brilliantly. Please take caution of such texts, for sometimes the reason that the reader fails to comprehend
the author's text is simply due to the cause of the author not understanding her own thoughts. To this I will add the notoriously
and world renowned idiot Huan Huan's own words as explanation: "How can Mark know what I'm doing if I don't know what I'm
doing?" Ah...such pathetic behavior is so feasibly simple to discover these days, as Sailorman Jeff can also demonstrate for
us in his purchase of a Playstation 2 for the sole purpose of playing DDR. If you don't know him, then you wouldn't understand.
But then again, you still might. Much like Leon Shram's infamous Exposure Equation, the endless cycle of purposeless
composition can never be completed. It's existence falls outside of time, and is yet timeless in itself.
7/13/04^[7:38pm]--So...not much the past few days. Been on SC for a while, and Jas came over
coupla days ago. Got some new movies downloaded an etc. Kinda bored...AP scores back today. But...yeah...tired as hell...gonna
watch Battle Royale (something Ev's been buggin me to watch) and then Dawn of the Dead. Finally defragged hd, and yet it's
still 15% fragged...
7/7/04^[1:10am]--So...went to get Dad's visa back this afternoon and also ate dinner out again...bought
lots of stuff and handpicked the cherries. Good cherries. Finally bought another stick of 512 ram hoping to get dual channel
working...but...unfortunately...dual channel works only if the two sticks of ram are EXACTLY IDENTICAL, as I've found out,
so I'm quite pissed. Now I have to go back and get PNY Optima RAM...which will cost me an assload more and not to mention
when I called Gigabyte's "US" headquarters the first time I got some random Indian guy who claimed he was in "Cawiefurna."
"California?" I asked. "Yesser," was the reply. Interesting...after calling again, I got some azn operator who didn't speak
anything but Chinese, and I played around with that till she finally transferred me after telling me she was in Beijing...what
the hell... |