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 6/29/04^[8:45pm]--So...woke up this morning with sis bugging me to take her to Tortuga to use her coupons. So I did. And it rained like hell. Insane...and the stupid minimap on the coupon was screwed up and I must've went halfway up and down Highway 6 looking for the damn place. there and had a pretty cool host. Got me some really spicy fajitas. So much leftovers...last night setup the GoD clan website. Everyone seems to be pretty satisfied with it. Going to update it for a while until OTHER people start doing it. In either case, turns out the whole movie plan is going to end up as me, Eve, Lei, and Michael cuz Suz couldn't come...oh well. That's a shame...Gonna watch Spiderwoman 2.

6/28/04^[11:05pm]--Well...tired as hell. Woke up at noon and dropped off sis and bro at library. Then went to Discount Tire Co. and got an appointment for them to install a new tire for the flat one from yesterday cuz they apparently couldn't fix drove down to Harwin and got the phone back... unlocked!!! Whooo now I can use the phone in China and it won't just be a useless piece of plastic and metal and silicon and other crap...though the camera is still handy...then brought sis and bro home, and waited for tire to get replaced. Had to wait a while, so went to Old Place Cafe and got 12 dumplings. Good stuff...but got my tongue burned cuz the stuff was too hot and I can't feel anything on my tongue...came back, and Jas got back. He and his family just picked up their stuff and left. Then...went to OPC again for dinner with family. Had 24 dumplings then. That adds up to a total of 36 dumplings in one afternoon. Plus a bowl of noodles. Full and tired...and very sleepy...Lei still needs to call back to see how that movie plan is coming along...Ev you better be able to come!

6/27/04^[11:30pm]--Well...haven't updated in a while. Basically, a few days ago at 4am marked the first time that I have destroyed all but teal's spire in SOG against Rune-Seawolf and his buddy. Who both sucked. And recognized my clan after they started getting owned and realizing that their getting raped seemed to parallel that of some previous occurrence...but never mind that. In other news, gave my cell phone to the guys at Harwin to unlock. Got some crappy bright red Nokia phone as a loaner and I'm supposed to pick up mine tomorrow at 2pm. So...went swimming today. Tire was flat on the way back. Got that changed...stupid jacks. The Expedition came with this really crappy jack that was like impossible to use...while dad's new Lincoln came with this really cool looking jack that you just pump up and down instead of screwing it. Sounds disturbing what I just said, I know. get what you paid for Lei's get together idea, it might be possible. We'll see...So I gotta get the tire fixed and then goto Harwin tomorrow. will be unlocked!!! Whooooo meaning it won't be useless in China.

6/23/04^[12:30am]--Been 4 months...the turbulent times...

6/20/04^[12:25am]--So...details on the past coupla days...
6/18--Went to Snake Eye Wireless (they have new owner now, but the lady kept the knives :)) and cuz our contract ran out a coupla days ago we were looking to see if we could trade in my *new* phone for the new motorola V300 with cam. Lady said it was a little complicated and we had a loooong debate about whether or not we should all just get new numbers, which the dealer said would make things much easier plus we'd all get new phones. But...parents wanted to keep their numbers. the end, my phone I gave to my mom, I got the new Motorola phone for free, and an individual plan composed of 600 anytime minutes, free weekend and night minutes, but no mobile to mobile calling :(. Either's definitely enough for me. But this is only for the next few months...then I'm probably going back to the family plan. But it's such an awesome phone! No more reception problems...and it's got speakerphone, camera, and voice recording...I also got this clear protective flexible casing from the lady but it came with this belt buckle thing that I didn't want. So...minor surgery with my pocketknife. I excised the little knob that connects it to the buckle and removed it from inside the casing and u couldn't even tell I'd done anything. So's water and little brother resistant (since he always messes with the things and has his hands dirty all the time). Sweet...and Ev's back!
6/19--Cleaned house...tired as hell...but my room feels so...spacious now...

6/16/04^[7:47pm]--Ugh...about the same as yesterday. Abhik came to show off his laptop, which wasn't too great. But yeah, that's the only thing out of the ordinary. Played ori and impure ffa melee. Owned them both. Good show. And...yeah that's about it. Ev's still at UT...

6/16/04^[1:30am]--Woke up, make some ramen noodles, and spent the watchin the house basically. Found out that starting today Yahoo upgraded their email service to 100 MEGS!!! Insane, but it's to compete directly with Google's Gmail. Still...the Yahoo service isn't bad. And it's FREE. Damn...100 more needing multiple email accounts...this one would last a while...I just backed up all my contacts onto it...and phone call tonight...thanks.

6/13/04^[4:21pm]--Woke up at like 4am to drop off grandparents at airport. They're going back to China. Took a 1 hour nap and cleaned the house with parents. Tired. Very tired...sorry for last night Ev...

6/12/04^[11:14pm]--Friday: Awesome.
Today: Pissed off. Sorry sorry...

6/10/04^[8:25pm]--Went to work around noon after waking up. Headed to lunch and came back to work. Not much new...came back and planned on going swimming...but...apparently pool's closed only Thursdays. Ugh...oh well. the arcade in the Galleria with Ev.

6/9/04^[11:52pm]--So...woke up around 10:30 (unlike SOMEONE who got to get up 4 hours later...) and went to drop off my textbook, the t-mobile phone, and also pick up registration materials for sis going to middle school. Then it was to work...On the way to lunch we passed Snake Eye Wireless, which got robbed. It was insane. Must have been organized crime or something cuz there was a box of shattered glass that was litterally shattered to tiny tiny pieces. Don't think ONE guy could have done that, especially since the glass on that and the display cases seemed like some strong stuff. Whoever did it like cleared out all the phones in the place. Felt so bad for the owners, since they only moved into the office a few months back. Hope their insurance pays for everything...then some interesting stuff happened at the office...came home and slept till now. Whooo...and trillian pro 2 owns...2 more days till Super Friday. Hope I get to go...will be a HUGE disappointment if I don't since so many plans were the cow jumping over the moon, and EvE running away with a spoon...

6/9/04^[2:20am]--So...decided to finally update my version of Trillian since mom's bent on video chatting...for some weird reason...and she also insists I start using yahoo messenger to figure out how. Thus, I resort to my trusty trill. Went on Bittorrent and took a look around and found one. The download also came with something called Trillpack by this one guy, but apparently by uninstalling that after I realized I didn't like it, it tells me all my settings get deleted. Being the paranoid freak that I am, thankfully I backed up my settings folder somewhere else. Phew. So then installed the real thing and it messed up at first, but after copying in the settings folder, everything started working! After testing everything out and changing some stuff, got Ev to download it too. It's very good. I like the new one much better than the old one...and so does she. Too bad I had to be the guinea pig...

6/8/04^[11:31pm]--So...woke up at 8am to go work at parents' office. Suppposed to get off at noon, but mom made me stay the whole day. Meaning...slept the second I got hope. Well, second second. First second was booting up comp and getting on AIM so that certain important people can contact me. So...just gotup. Dead who's been thinking NOW? ^_-

6/7/04^[8:36pm]--So...woke up at like 7am to go to the office and help out with something and also drive the car back. Then came home and took a nap. Woke up and cleaned the room. Yes, I cleaned the room. I plan on taking a pic of it soon...Eve has granted me absolute freedom :) Now I just don't know what to do with it...must think...must think! I know you're thinking too ^_-.

6/6/04^[11:35pm]--Woke up, lawn, and went back to sleep. Had huge dinner and then played bball for 2 hours+ with Benny. What's that...11 wins-0 loses on HORSE now? Not to mention you were playin a blind man who can't see in the dark towards the end :P Won in around the world too. Sloppy shot yes, but I DO make them. Dad then made me cut the tree limbs and make them ready for the trash people to pick em up. Thanks Benny for helpin with that. Who else wants to see me with a chain saw??? Muahahaha...and then came home and now bored waiting for roosters to go away so me lovely lady can have her attention occupied by me :P

6/4/04^[1:53am]--So...interesting day...woke up and did work for dad and burn clone dvd for his friend. Then delivered the stuff to his office and ate at Coco's again. Came home and did some stuff. Benny called about the tassles and wanted to watch a movie. So...we decided to host one with Wallace, Benny, me, and possibly Judy. Vic might also come. Saturday around 5pm we watch "The Day After Tomorrow." Got some mixed reviews from it...but yeah. Finally found the CSS2 decryptor for copying DVDs and tested it. Turns out you need to run that to decrypt the DVD and then rip that to your HD. Then run Clone DVD and compress the 7+ gigs of the Pirates of the Carribean movie I tested on and burn to a blank DVD. Success at last...had to do some research into CSS and DVD ripping. Well, hard work paid off lol. Afternoon was kinda depressing from someone else's depression...hope you feel better!

6/3/04^[1:45am]--So...I guess the Friday idea won't work out...and then even more bad news...sigh...oh well. It's still better than nothing...Maybe next week will be better eh? Hope so...had piano lesson today. Then went to eat at Cafe East and then went to Galleria. Didn't really do much. Jas got raped on UT2004. That's about it...and that silk shirt is REALLY's gonna get another one tomorrow since it's such a GREAT's not thick to the point that's it's hot as hell, but not cheap ass thin either. It's...perfect. Incredibly comfortable. Warm but still feels like I'm not wearing a shirt at all...weird thing to go for, but yes, not wearing anything is the most comfortable feeling at all. As long as it's still warm...although I know someone who doesn't quite share MY idea of comfort :P

6/2/04^[1:27am]-- Liuisms, courtesy of Elton Pinto, via Evelyn about some really ditzy Bellaire Chinese girl name Lucy Liu (yes, she has the same name as the actor):

Liuisms: 51 Lucy Liu Quotes:

NOTE: These quotes have NOT been taken out of context. All of them have occured as written and most of them are almost verbatim (any changes are probably just order of words, but the meanings did not change). Honest to God, she actually said this stuff.


Newland: *facetiously* "My cousin is a chicken." Lucy *shocked*: "Really?!"


Newland: "Where is Cindy?" Lucy: "She is either late or not coming."


"Can I pay with credit card?" - 1/9/03, Lucy on paying for the $4 stock market game


"What's a merger?" - December 2003, Lucy in AP Microeconomics


"We should invest in Prom stocks!" - 1/22/04, Lucy on the stock market game


"The top 10 people are azn anyway." - 1/22/04, Lucy's illusion that Alina, Ketan, and Marc are East Asian


"I can put down Best Costume as an award." - 1/23/04, Lucy on college apps


"Are you cutting his hair?" - 1/26/04, Lucy as Newland playfully mimics cutting Ben's hair with his fingers


"It couldn't have been a Chinese restaurant, because Chinese people aren't that dumb. It must've been the stupid Koreans." - 1/26/04, Lucy speaking for her race's intelligence (NOTE: The story was that Nabil went to a restaurant and asked to have his meat cut and they gave him a pair of scissors)


"Who is the King of France?" - 1/26/04, Lucy during Mrs. Bagley's King Lear exam


Lucy: "Mr. Newland, will you go to prom with me?" Newland: "No..I'm going with my wife." Lucy: "Aw, I got rejected by Mr. Newland." - 1/27/04, Lucy on desperation


"Oh my god, these models are so ugly and dress like skanks." - 1/27/04, Lucy looking at either a)the UPN site for their Top Model show or b)a mirror (either choice will work)


Newland: "As you may or may not know, this class is unique in its-" Lucy: "Stupidity." - 1/28/03, Lucy trying to cope with her intelligence


Lucy: "Michael said he saw you at a restaurant last night." Newland: "Yes, I took my family to a Mexican restaurant." Lucy: "Why didn't you take them somewhere better?" - 1/29/04, Lucy is still working on becoming 100% insensitive


"I thought kissing was invented by the French." - 2/3/04, Lucy on World History


Lucy: "The Chinese have never been conquered." Newland: "Right, it was never taken by oh, I don't know, an island nation called Japan." Lucy: "But that's different because they fought." - 2/3/04, Lucy on Chinese history


"Mr. Newland, did you know that you can't play Text Twist [a Yahoo! Games game] on a Mac?" - 2/6/04, Lucy on game compatibility even though Mr. Newland plays Text Twist on the projector screen in class with is iBook on a weekly basis


"You mean hit the 'undo' button?" - 2/9/04, Lucy on cheating in real life Solitaire


"I'm gonna name my daughter Electra!" - 2/10/04, Lucy's random thought during the class discussion on the meaning of 'Ivan Ilych'


"Europe can't be poor because they have French perfumes and Italian clothing." - 2/10/04, Lucy on global economies


Newland: "Let's all go to Tennessee!" (with regard to Howard Dean campaigning) Lucy: "Hey! Don't make fun of Tennessee!" Newland: "Oh dear Lord.." - 2/11/04, Lucy on sticking up for...?


"Hey, once you get used to him, nothing hurts." - 2/18/04, Lucy on God only knows...


Newland: "Hey Pai-i" Lucy: "What's IE? Internet Explorer?" - 2/18/04, Lucy on Chinese names


Mr. Clark: "1 million people are unemployed, 20 million in the labor force, what's the unemployment rate, Lucy?"

Lucy: "That's 1 over 20 so it's *long pause* 15%."

Clark: "Nope, try again."

Lucy: "Oh, *shorter pause* it's 20%."

Clark: "No."

Lucy (to the guy next to her): "Shut up, it's not 10% it's 20!"

Clark: "Well it's not 20% either, the answer we're looking for is 5%." - 2/19/04, Lucy on economic formulas


Video: "And now the richest man in the world is Bill Gates!"

Marc: "Not anymore, now it's that sultan guy."

Mr. Newland: "The sultan of Brunei." ('ei' pronounced as 'eye')

Lucy: "It's Brunay!" ('ay' pronounced as h'ay') - 2/23/04, Lucy on World Geography


"I decided last week that I'm breaking up with my boyfriend this Thursday...It's funny cuz everyone knows about it except for him." - 2/24/04, Lucy on ending relationships


Mrs. Bagley: "The name of the poem is 'The Oven Bird'." (by Robert Frost)

Lucy: "Oh, is it about a turkey?" - 2/26/04, Lucy on more modern poetry


Mr. Newland: "So all you HL people you can tell me the answer."

Marc: "Yeah, HL!"

Lucy: "Oh I thought it was HP."

The rest of the class: "What?!" - 3/1/04, Lucy on Higher Level mathematics


From Lucy's Xanga:

"okayy... since most of yall kno that me n mai bf broke up, so now im lookin 4 a prom date. and here are the criterions:

#1 must be at least 5'9 since my heels will make me 5'6 ,5'7 u dun wanna look shorter than me do u?

#2 must not be a scrub. i hate cheap guys! i dun want u 2 pay for everything but come on if we have 2 argue on who pays 4 wat, ur not the guy 4 me.

#3 must have a fun personality, dun wanna spend the whole nite w someone whos just gonna sit there

#4 must be proper, i cant take u home and show u 2 my mom if u had a mouth full of gold teeth and a a durag on ur head.

#5 have 2 be hot, not that itz the most important thing but yah who wants an ugly guy right?

#6 must have high tolerance for alcohol. whos gonna take care of me if i get drunk???

#7 must be kool w/ my gurls ann and bei  ;p cuz if they dun like u then it might take me a while 2 get back 2 u " - 2/29/04, Lucy on interviewing for a date to prom


Lucy: "We were in the park and we saw two ducks having sex." - 3/8/04, Lucy on public recreation


Lucy: "Wait, aren't HP and Compaq the same now?"

Mr. Newland: *sarcastically* "Uhh..yes"

Lucy: "So if they gave us HP computers we could use them now?"

Everyone: "Why couldn't we otherwise?" - 3/8/04, Lucy on computer donations


Mr. Newland: "So everyone is in economics right?"

Lucy: "But I'm in macro."

Alina: "Lucy, that's economics." - 3/8/04, Lucy on her own schedule


Marc: "There should be a new reality show about Lucy an Alina being room mates."

Mr. Newland: "I would watch that show!"

Lucy: "I'm not gonna be home that much so why would you watch that show?"

Newland: *laughing* "I love my job!" - 3/8/04, Lucy on having her own show


Mr. Newland: "So Ruidi's on the highway and he's braking--" Lucy: "He was breakdancing?" - 3/8/04, Lucy on road etiquette

Mr. Newland: "How many people woke up 20 minutes ago?" (it was late start for school for us)

Lucy: "I was at IHOP!"

Newland: "How many people still had to get up early?"

Nadia: "Some people wanted to come to my house."

Lucy: "My friends wanted to go to IHOP." - 3/10/04, Lucy on waking up


Mr. Newland: "Lucy, stop dancing."

Lucy: "I wasn't dancing, I was clapping!"

Newland: "Then you were doing a full body clap."

Lucy: "I don't dance like that. This is how I dance." *what ensued can only be described as the horror, THE HORROR!* - 3/10/04, Lucy on clubbin in the computer lab


Mr. Newland: (the story you must know here, in a nutshell, is that at Code Wars, Jackson saw a small Chinese girl and said 'Look, a Chinese girl!' loud enough for everyone around the Bellaire group to hear it) "I just said 'wow, those Lamar kids are crazy' and slowly backed off."

Lucy: "Yeah, that's what we do at debate tournaments when we piss off a judge. We just say that we're from Strake Jesuit." - 3/11/04, Lucy on lying about attending an all-boys private school


Mr. Clark: "I thought I would run out of donuts today (note: he gave out donuts to top scores in a group assignment throughout the day), but luckily the committee that won only has 3 people...I guess Lucy doesn't eat donuts though."

Lucy: "I can eat two!"

Clark: "Whaa?!" - 3/12/04, Lucy on donuts


Lucy: (to Mr. Newland as he shows Prom pictures) "Why didn't you just sleep at the priest's house?" - 3/12/04, Lucy on...I still have no idea...maybe on religion??


"life has been alright, just have a lot of mixed feelings, dun really kno wat 2 do. maybe im just thinkin 2 much, i dunno" - 3/21/04, Lucy on using her brains (it's an entry from her Xanga)


Nabil: "Alina, Lucy has something to say to you. She wants to donate some clothes to you."

Alina: "For what? To wear as socks?"

Lucy: "What? What socks?" - 3/26/04, Lucy on being charitable


Marc: "Ok, let's play fashion trivia. Which north Italian city is Prada from?"

Lucy: "Sicily!" - 3/26/04, Lucy on the cardinal directions


"Wouldn't it be nice for hobos to have my Italian clothing?" - 3/26/04, Lucy on fashion equality


*Mr. Newland plays William Hung's haunting rendition of 'She Bangs' by Ricky Martin*

Lucy: "Why are you playing salsa music?" - 4/6/04, Lucy on music genres


"I saw two ducks having sex the other day." - 4/13/04, Lucy on her ongoing obsession with duck sex in the middle of a comp sci lecture


Newland *talking about giving donations to Childrens Protective Services*: "So you may wanna come down here and take a look at what they need"

Lucy *reading them*: "Just go to Holiday Inn and jack their stuff and give it to them." - 4/16/04, Lucy on shorthanding people in need


"nwayz i was watchin swan 2day omg, itz amazing how much u can do 2 a person thro plastic surgery. i luv the show cuz it tears me up everytime the women look into the mirror. itz like a dream come true 4 them. i can feel their joy and im just soo happy 4 them!!!!!!! theyr one of the lucky fews who actually get a chance 2 be made over while there r millions of others out there bothered by the same problems they had. so sad... so yah imma be nicer 2 pplz from now on" - 4/20/04, Lucy's Xanga on how to get her sobbing and the shortest promise ever


I have an open pore! 5/17/04, Lucy on her own face


Interests: ~*newly discovered interest!!! Italian cloth and French make up =) gosh, i have so many hobbies. i love shopping, watchin soap,talkin on the phone, chattin online,hanging out w/ friends, taking 2 hr lunches w/ ann,getting roses ;p,eating lol, taking bubble bath w/: hot water, candles,soft music, a good magazine, tiremasu, and an ice cold drink, spending time on the beach, swiming, skating, bowling,singing, dancing, goin 2 coffee shops, takin pix, dressin up, doin nails, drinkin... n yah datz all i can think of rite now but im sure theres a lot more lol 5/17/04, Lucy on her interests


Expertise: shopping, french tippin nails, debating (hahaha yah rite), stayin up late at nites, talkin on the phone 4 hrs, cheatin at pool n still loose lol,slackin off n put down everything til the last minute but do surpprisingly well cough 1400 w/ no studyin at all til the nite b4 2 memorize all 500 sumthin words <--- and oh yah bein conceited ;p 5/17/04, Lucy on her fortes


im doin a lot better, thanx u guys 4 cheerin me up all the time =). so yah now i got most of the stuff taken care of everythings goin pretty smooth well cpt 4 comp sci but lol lets not talk a/b dat. but damnnn so many pplz breakin up nowz all the cheatin n partyin goin on... man ppl r messed up... so anywayz i had this REALLY good dream last nite my prince charming came into my dreams =) i have no idea who it is cuz itz all hazzy but hehe awwwww =) so happy. no matter if itz a sign or not prince charming is alwayz good =) 4/17/04, Lucy on society


Speaker: Who knows what liberal arts means?

Lucy: The major I was put in at UT because I didnt get into the one I wanted. 5/19/04 Lucy on higher education

6/1/04^[7:02pm] for a while. Woke up this morning to pick up mom from airport. Went to Coco's right after for lunch and came home to sc. Gonna take a nap soon...glad to know you're feeling better! Hope it stasys that way...
