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 5/31/04^[6:42pm]--So dropped off mom at the airport and had some spicy ass chinese takeout. But been a depressing couple of days. Hazelnut's been sad...very sad...and it's sad to find out what's so sad...guess I'm being a little redundant there...but yeah. Sad day indeed...going to see how to work this to make things better...

5/30/04^[6:17pm]--So...graduation was nice. The back row totally got screwed cuz they ran outta seats. So yeah, we spent basically the whole time trying to figure out how to get back in order. Good speeches. Cynthia's was really good, but Priya's sucked. Or was it Prita. Don't even remember the girl's name. Just remembered it sucked. The whole time people were mumbling for her to just shutup. I swear she sounded like such a ditZ. Even my parents were like what the hell was that. So yeah, we ended up getting back in order, and after throwin up our hats mine kinda flew sideways. Ended up jackin someone else's hats. After the whole thing was over we had a buncha handshakes and hugs. Yes, including me. Was gonna shake hands with Wallace but then was like, eh...and we kinda stood there. So I was just like fuck it and gave him a hug. Then Phil and Mango wanted one. Ha...Mango. Went to Hunan Plus to eat there. GREAT PLACE. Cheap food. $3 gets you a 3 lb plate of kung pao chicken and all you can drink hot and sour soup. Awesome...but Galveston wasn't that great. Spent most of the time in a hotel watching movies. Oh well...guess I shoulda went to ProGrad, but parents wanted to go out for a mini-vacation. So now back at home and gonna go eat dinner at one of those Chinese parties again...which usually sucks cuz the food's often crap and etc...

5/28/04^[8:04pm]--Went visiting Ev downtown today. Went to lunch at her mom's luncheon thing and had an omelette. They had these pre-peeled and sliced oranges that were really nice, plus lots of precut strawberries and pineapples...all the good stuff...then went down to the galleria to Comp USA to check out a laptop Ev's mom wanted her to get. Wasn't bad...later rented Dogma to watch. Good stuff there. And lots of other stuff. Thanks for the awesome day Ev. Hope we can repeat it sometime soon...

5/27/04^[9:40pm]--It has come to my attention through Henry that Jeff was being queerer than usual and decided to post his little rant about what I said. Well to Jeff:
      I don't think you realize it, but the posts I put on Alex and Wallace's blog are fictional manifestations that exist only for amusement. Much like Alex's posts on Wallace's blog, mine are similar. It's the expanded overreaction that I felt like putting up so that it would seem blatantly obvious I wasn't being serious about it. But yes, Jeff, I forgot to realize that your feeble mind cannot encompass the depth of such humility. So, I must point out (quite directly mind you) for Captain Obvious that it was a joke. It should seem obvious that something like that cannot possibly be how I was really feeling, since it was simply absurd. Not to mention, the stuff I post of the blogs of other people are, once again, only meant to amuse. Too bad for you, you took it seriously. Well you can take this seriously: dumbass. So next time, just so you know, not everything I put up is really how I feel. Especially those on the journals of OTHER people, the same people who on their own blogs are constantly ranting in an insane and incredulous way (aka Alex vs. Wallace). So before I end this entry, I shall again point out, YOU'RE A DUMBASS. Whew...that felt better. I'll say it again: YOU'RE A DUMBASS. And as for talents, Alex has art, and I never said anything bad about him. In fact, this isn't about Alex at all. I don't know the guy. I just know he doesn't look like me. And as for the talent, I play piano, Son. You don't. You have your DDR, but honestly (and this is honest), you look like a dumbass on it. If that's your artistic talent, then you disappoint me. So yes, it seems like both Alex AND me are up above you on that one. As a final note, because I have already explained that my posts on those things aren't out of seriousness, Alex obviously does have things in common with me, much like with everybody else. He's artistic, so am I. He's a guy. So am I. And your pathetic attempt at being defensive just took you off of that denomination. Do your homework next time Son before pulling another baseless insult. Didn't notice that little technicality did you? DUMBASS.

5/27/04^[8:38pm]--Well...went to school activity, but instead of a movie, the bastards made us listen to some stupid infomercial from Primerica about savings and stuff. Wasted so much time...then after coming back, bought a coupla pineapple Fanta sodas and took a shower. Picked up Yan from Jeff's house, and went to Math club party. Apparently Chris wasn't home for some reason...Math club party: kikass. Food, water baloons, ice cream, etc. All the good stuff. First played some football. Had snacks, and started the hotdog and hamburger food fest. That was nice...then apparently someone brought a coupla coolers of water baloons, which made for some 30 seconds of fun. But no, that wasn't enough. People started filling cups with water and just throwing it at each other. Thank god it was hot as hell outside, so the water wasn't too bad. Fortunately for me, I realized it would be much more effective to use ice water :) So got ice from cooler and loaded my cups with em. Turned out very nice...then found this huge jug that held like 10 cups of water. And it became my reloader. That way, unlike everyone else who could just throw two cups and go back, I could throw a cup, reload, and throw some more. Good stuff. Meant multiple shots of ice water. Got #1 and JHsu really nice. Plus some random azn fob girl who doesn't have a white people name. But yeah, started at 12:30, and we left at 3pm. Dropped off Yan and picked up sis from library. Then dropped off Henry. By the time I got home, the electrician was already here and waiting. So he looked around and fixed the problem, which was apparently just a tripped circuit. After resetting the breaker, everything seemed to be working fine again. Since tomorrow's a whole in the week (day before grad, day after last day of school) and I get nothing to do, I am going downtown! Time to visit!

5/26/04^[11:10pm]--So yeah, took cal test and passed with a B. Good enough...then went to fun day which was breakfast day. Got like 10 kolaches. For some weird reason they refused to let Raymond through the line but allowed me to go through like 10 times. Oh well. I'm not complaining. After school went to B&N to get Lida to sign my yearbook, and ran into Nicky,  who owes me plastic bags for laundry in college. Hah...came home and had some f00d. For some gay reason, all the outlets on my side of the house stopped working sometime this afternoon when I was asleep, so I had to setup a temporary station downstairs and grandparents' room and hook up everything there on my old emachine 633 mhz. Not as good as my current comp, but it's acceptable. Oh well...we're getting a technician to take a look at it tomorrow afternoon to see if it can be fixed...hope it can...

5/25/04^[2:55pm]--So...yesterday was interesting. Got the anime cds from Kelly. After school, tried to turn in books and stuff and ended up wasting time. Also got our honors cords for math for some weird reason. At least it's a cool color (blue). Went to Cici's later and saw an assload of Clements people. And yeah, that's about it. Today woke up to the sound of my pleasant second alarm clock. Thanks to Henry's very convenient bio review that I only glanced over twice, I passed with an 86. Not yeah, that was it. Played UT for like an hour after the final since it was so short...then went to the fun day thing instead of straight to Vicken's house. We went on those inflatable things and Chris and I raced on the iron man challenge thing. Tied 1 to 1. Then, we decided to tag team vs Jeff and Yan. First round: I went first vs Yan. Yan was so stupid he went the wrong way and after I climbed up the slide I had to sit and wait and harass him. Chris beat Jeff after I tagged out. Round two: Me vs Jeff first. That took a while cuz we screwed each other over in the back and none of us were able to climb up for a while. Still, I won and apparently right when I bounced on the edge of the slide Jeff's head went sliding under my ass and I ended up landing on top of it. Haha...poor lots of carpet burns from the plastic though...So yeah, we owned Yan and Jeff. Then went home, watched some of the anime for a while. Vicken came to pick up his stuff and then I had to go off to see sis at her talent show. Finally home again...

5/23/04^[6:07pm]--So...woke up and went to Hunan Plus with the family for lunch. Got new glasses along the way. Fixed the nosepads on one pair and got new lenses for the other. Ended up replacing the super skinny lenses on the golden frames and then tinting the lenses blue on the silver frames. So yeah, then worked at dad's place for a while and came back. Talked on the phone for a few minutes and tired as hell...probably gonna take a nap. And then study for unfair...

5/22/04^[9:50pm]--So...since it's a special day and the end of the school year at the same time, I think it's time also for a special entry. So...this is my list of memorable people...
To my good friends...
Evelyn: Not much to say that you already don't know. Thank you.
Lei Tian: Hope college helps you sort out your feelings. Great friend since elem.
Lida Cheng: Huan Huan's stalkee for the Senior year. Been nice knowing you.
Wallace Chan: Now here's a dilemma. Sophmore year I really thought this guy was a homo. But...not anymore. Still had fun calling him that though. Good luck in UT with the Jude. You've been a good friend.
Chris Barot: The biggest asshole in the world. Has great potential to be a professional asshole.
Benny Hwang: This fella's gotZ the bling bling. And his daddy really loves French fries. Good guy, great friend. Too Christian...hope the least year didn't disillusion you too much.
Srebik (EmpV): Good guy. One of the few decent people on Inf.
Jackson Tan: Thanks for helpin me with the DPS. They're all a bunch of whores. I know you're having enough fun at UH, so I'm not going to wish you a fun college year.
Henry Ran: like a wussy. Half the time he does. Won't forget how he flooded my car. And then wanted me and Chris to run through the rain to his house to play Halo. Good thing he was my bitch for a while after that...been nice knowing you. But need to get out more. And fix your hair. And grow a little. Been cool knowing you in bio.
Kristin Graves: Nice knowing you these 4 years. Hope you finally reached your 50 pairs of shoes goal!
Victoria Chang: Thanks for being so entertaining in the many times of my boredom. I so didn't like Mango Reloaded.
Sara Abdamalek, Petra Stanna, Margaret Tung: Chem girls. Chain of chem work. Haha...and all those talks about gay people. Funny stuff...
Jas: My main man.
Most Memorable:
Vicken Frankian: The second biggest asshole in the world. Can be Chris's performing partner. A good copy-buddy.
Huan Huan: The biggest dumbass in the world. Nuff said. Most of you already knew that.
Jeff Sun: The second biggest dumbass in the world. The gayest according to Kelly. I second that. Smarterchild even agrees. "Jeff, what happened to you? You used to be smart." Good memories...good memories...
Alex Lau and Dick Yang: Raped on sc 2v1 by me 3 games in a row. Hahahah...
Kevin Oei: Backup buddy for Cal BC. Interesting dealing with the bio outline. That was fun.
Amanda Kiser: for thinking that I called her fat. Don't remember if I really did though...
Mia: for wanting the really girly (but cool) picture that I made in art class. Dunno if she still has it...
Nicky and Ben: The married couple. And their constant arguing...
Gary Chen: For the "manly" harassment.
Kyle Arorra: Getting hit by TWO cars.
Phil Thomas: Tied for Gayest of the world with Jeff. I mean, how much gayer can this guy possibly get? Though I liked him better this year after seeing his poor ass Nancified by Stephenson the whole second semester...
Cynchi: #1! <<===gives me free pizza for the rest of my life if she ever becomes rich/famous. Let's hope that happens.
Kelly Chien: Shoved me off a bridge. I'd have to say that was a first. Won't forget you haha.
Da: The fattest asian kid I've ever seen. Had too much fun with you in Chinese.
Lance Li: Tallest fob I've ever seen. Good luck on your SAT's next year.
Johanan: Wallace's gay obession. My medicine ball dodgeball partner at UT.
Sangamithra somethingsomething: What happened to that cool backpack/luggage thing with the flashing lights? I can't believe you stopped using that...known as "cute couple" with Benny. Haha...
Kevin Sugiharta or something like that: The Candyman...the Candyman caaaan...
Survam Patel: Nice knowing you. Thanks for all the help in chem and the frantic morning "work" for eco and chem. <<===got on probation for trying to sell a flamethrower from the back of his car.
D-Ma: For being D-Ma.
Cat Wong: You're fucked up. Really...really messed up. Nice, but messed up.
Jakub Czurgiel: The perfect match for Cat in terms of fucked-up-ness. Sex Pilla!
James from Bellaire: Got the stills on SC, but needs to cut down on the porn.
BeanZ: Um...yeah you need to work on your emotional issues. And cut down on the horniness.
Mango: Stop getting drunk. <<===This guy's whipped.
Gandalf's sister (Monica): Constantly getting stalked by random internet people lol. need to hang out with kids your own age.
Cartman: Still on infantry...hope you end up #1 there someday. At your rate, it might not take that long.
Glo (AJ Algiers): Hope you finally stick with a girl for more than 2 weeks. Been fun knowing you.
Playa: Haha...won't forget the brutal verbal abuse he gave to Victoria's little bro.
And...not too memorable...
Mango Reloaded: Asswipe.
Mango Revolutions: One of the most incompetent researchers I have ever met. Not a bad guy, just incompetent.
Vineet: Got raped in DBZ Budokai when we randomly played against each other at First Colony Mall.
Abhik: Dumbass.
Melody Phung: kept jacking the chem bathroom passes right when I most needed to piss. And not returning them for like 15 minutes.
Aditya and Tiffany: I'm will unleash hell upon the two of you when the time comes.
David Chen: Buddha!
Melvin Matthews: Shut the hell up! lol
Abdullah Kemal: The Arab.
Salleh and Arjun: Threw up after eating my home grown chili peppers. From spiciness, not contamination.
Cade: "Arrogance gets you nowhere." Oh really? Is that so? This is coming from YOU?
Well...I think that covers it. I might have forgotten to mention some of you, but oh well...this is like in the middle of the night and I'm doing this off the top of my head you know...
And to everyone else...thanks for a great year. And Good Luck.

5/22/04^[2:02pm]--So...woke up, talked a little, and gonna goto dad's place to work for a while. HAPPY 3 MONTHS!

5/21/04^[5:10pm]--Ok...great. Now I'm officially sick. Staying up till 2am last night on SC certainly didn't help much...ugh...Cal and bio finals...stupid stupid. Thank got no chem final. I don't know what I would do if I had that...ins4ne. So yeah, raped in Starfox again today. Finished Gattica in Bio. Actually a decent movie. Kinda morbid the whole way through. Pizza party in chem. Watched movie in Gov. Got #1 to try one of my home grown breeded chili peppers. Haha...funny stuff. Shoulda recorded it. Thanks to JHsu who gave it to her in govt. Can't believe Cynthia actually did it...she and Krish tried it at the same time. Took about 5 minutes before the hotness actually set in. Man...will never forget the looks on their faces. Both ran out to get water. Funny as hell. Even got tears going on with Cynthia and Krish. Took some photos. Meanwhile, Benny was a pansy taking little nibbles of it and saying how it's like fine wine: you should take sips and gulps. I say he's a pansy. Even #1 took it like a man. Afterwards Benny was saying how he felt much better/happier after eating it and I pointed out that he's probably getting off from eating chili peppers. He probably went straight to Dad's place after school to work for a few hours. Came back...and gonna take a nap. Dammit...horrible time to get sick...ugh...pisses me off...TO NO END. Dammit where the hell did I toss my medicine to...and MM tonight!

5/20/04^[6:30pm]--Soo...not much of a day. Went into bio today and thought there was leftover food on the table. Turned out those were Jeannie's food that she brought in this morning to make up for not having it yesterday. And Chris brought some queer Indian bread. Had chick-fil-a today at least...raped in StarFox once again. Got raped by cal test. School is ALMOST over...if only I could visit sometime after that...but visitation rights are hard to come by...mailed out the card this morning. Got Kelly some extra autograph pages in the afternoon. Got myself a couple. Not sure why...guess I'll give JHsu one. She really needs it. Ohhh well...tired...and not enough phone time...need more phone time...or visitation. That would be so much better...

5/20/04^[6:25am]--Ahhh sorry Ev...I slept waay too much...was planning on wakingg up at 11pm, but I'm sure you can tell I ended up sleeping for about 9 hours. as well study for stupid cal test...

5/19/04^[6:15pm] home, played some UT, and talked on the phone for an hour. Good stuff...some words of wisdom from Miss Kelly Chien:
"Jeff is weird. Jeff is dumb. Jeff is gay. "
How true...

5/19/04^[2:08pm]--At 2 food day. Ev woke me up first, then sis woke me up to remind me she was cookin the fried rice. She did, and then woke me up again to notify me that she was done. The asian people basically brought just fried rice and dumplings, and I was full by the end of the period. Played some Starfox, and lost first for the first time. Cal quiz was ok, and went to eat more food during chem 2 and played some dizzying game that left me still kinda nauseated and with a headache. So...came down to physics 2 to get Kelly to sign the yearbook, and going to go home soon...soon....tired as hell...

5/19/04^[1:15am]--WHEEE hee hee hee heE hEe HeeEEEEEE!!! UT2K4 R4P3!!! H4h4h h00000000000000000000000000000000. I neeDZ s0Me SlEeP. SlllllepPP? SLEEPP!! M0j0!!! Hahahah4h4h4hahaha...GoVernmENt SUX!!! HAHAHAHa. Sm4cK d4T mcGEE!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA. DrunKen TigeR r4pINg drAgon. WH000000000000000000. So Be yoUSelF!!!. Do iT!!! My sTicK bEatS you D0WN!!! thE beATD0wn!! HAh4h4ahaha. whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..ooOO..O....O......OOO.... cRouCHinG iT iZ?!! PizZa! HolY BucKfuTt!!! ThE thRobBinG paIn iN me tuMmy! Hee hee heHEE eheEHEE. y0R p4NcakE buTt s0 tiReD...

5/18/04^[5:00pm]--So...aced cal test and did ok on chem. Super food day is tomorrow, with food in chem and bio2. Hehe...will be very yes...took camera to school and took random pics of people. Also had awards ceremony this morning. Thanks Ev for the wakeup! I would so have missed it if it weren't for you. Unfortunately I didn't get the letter jacket cuz Mrs. Stout wasn't at school today...oh well...also watched some English videos during home and it was raining like hell...crazy stuff...thanks to Benny for giving me a ride to my car...which was parked right in front of the school lol. I totally forgot about home. Went on some UT, then talked on the phone. But yeah...glad to get some things talked through. Hoped it made you feel better. And yes, we shall have fun. LaterZ...

5/17/04^[10:30pm]--So...came back from studying at B&N with Survam. Gotta hand it to the guy. He knows what he's talking about...Had like 3 meals this afternoon...came home, ate. Went to B&N and ate 2 Chick-Fil-A sandwiches...and came home and ate a bowl of rice with pork ribs. Sooo full...Well...feeling much better than last night...things are back to normal I think. Want it to stay that way...but...such is the pain of being far away...

5/17/04^[3:58pm]--So...woke up a little late special alarm clock wasn't available this morning...So unfair...Ev don't have school today...and chem teacher postponed test to tomorrow, and Cal quiz is tomorrow too...and so is awards ceremony...dammit I got sooooo much stuff to do tomorrow... Eve if ur reading this I REALLY need a wakeup call tomorrow...please please yeah, had graduation practice. Got caps and gowns and such. Got back from school and played a long while of Bball with Chris, Benny, and Jeff. Me and Chris on a team got raped, and Jeff and Chris on a team against me and Benny got raped. Last game was HORSE, which I dominated as usual :P Benny keeps complaining about how dirty my shoots look, but he always ends up losing. Ironic isn't it? So yeah...gotta go to B&N for the chem study group tonight. Survam's being a good guy and helpin us learn some net ionics. Anyway...she probably doesn't read this, but Happy Birthday Jenny! Oh yeah...happy birthday to Kevin too...forgot to tell him that yesterday...LaterZ...

5/17/04^[12:18am]--I'm sorry Evelyn...I was just depressed...

5/16/04^[1:42pm]--OMG tired as hell. Spent almost the whole day yesterday doing English project. First went over to DMa's around noon where we had some pizza before we started. After starting to work on it Wallace and Alex kept fucking things up. later...went to Colony Meadows to vote, and after that DMa got lost trying to get to my house. Funny as hell...after that, went to my house to edit video. Then hell started as me, Jordan, Alex, Wallace, and DMa, but then Alex wanted to leave for tennis and Wallace wanted to leave for late lunch AND dinner. So after they were gone, Jordan and DMa called em up and we saw DMa unleash hell. So they came back. Lol. We got finished splicing everything around 7 or so and took a break cuz Alex brought his N64 and Goldeneye. Then, we started working on transitions and music. Midway into that, grandma started complaining about how grandpa's been gone biking for over half an hour. So we went old man hunting. We couldn't find him, and when we got back, turns out he's been in the back yard. Old yeah, we finally got finished with most of the stuff around 10, which is when Sagar came. Added in the credits and title screen (a stroke of brilliance of mine I tell you...pure genius on my modesty intended). By the time we were all done, it was around 12:30am and everyone left, leaving me to compress our video that was 4.62 GIGABYTES. I was like I spent the next 30 minutes looking for a free compressor...and found a really cool one that lets you compress something in like several hundred different I played around with it for a while and made an .avi file which was only like 100 megs but crap quality. Afterwards, I made a new conversion into .wmv, which was around 300+ megs but retained about 80%+ of the quality. Damn good I say. Went from 4062MB to 318MB. Not bad I say. Ended up sleeping at around 3am. Thanks Evelyn for keepin me company. Woke up this morning and burned a copy for our class and a copy for Ev, and I plan on eating lunch in a few minutes...laterZ...have fun with gift shopping...don't take too long ;)

5/14/04^[6:55pm]--So...failed stupid cal quiz today...was also school's 20th birthday, so they had free hot dogs and watermelon during lunch. Ended up with a 1.5 hour 5th period, which gave us plenty of time to play Halo and Goldeneye. Survam raped us in Goldeneye, and Ajay was raping Halo till he left. Then my rape took over. After school, Benny and I played some Bball, where he got raped six games to none. So yeah, then went to Kroger where we got some sparkling soda and he got Clearly Canadian. It really is good stuff...those damn Canadians sure know their carbonated beverages...and Benny spills it all over his car...after he went home talked to Ev for a little while and played some UT2k4. Hope MM will work rabbits. LaterZ...

5/13/04^[8:23pm]--Ugh...tired as hell...woke up from my wonderful alarm clock ;) but kinda drifted off back to sleep after that...woke up again and went to second period damn Cat apparently memorized the location of my prom pics and got everyone to look at it...didn't do much in any class today except for cal...stupid cal...turned in our books during chem today. Also got Ronnenkamp and Steinkamp to sign yearbook. At end of chem, Margaret realizes her new bag's missing. Apparently Nicky hid it as his way of flirting, and he also pointed out that he had a knife in his backpack. So yeah, poor Margaret's gonna get raped by Nicky. Shoulda seen that girl run. Petra was pointing out that after Nicky's through with her all her insides would smell bad. Anyway...was gonna goto Cleveland today for college visit, but storming insanity outside made our flight delayed and basically cancelled. We spent like 2 hours trying to get our refund from Travelocity and finally succeeded...and now I'm home tired as hell cuz stupid bro refused to sleep last night. I had to bring my blanket to the upstairs living room and sleep next to him so he'd shutup. So...good news: MM. Bad news: no more weekday minutes since most were used to get our refund...what a shame...and got stupid cal test tomorrow...ugh...and need to get English shit done too...ahhhhh.....good luck on your AP! Missing the sweet sound of your voice...

5/12/04^[5:10pm]--So...screw government AP. So didn't do much. Watched Cool Hand Luke in english and played on Russow's N64 in Chem. Went to parents' place after school but was too tired so came home...had a chat with #1 and Ev. So yeah...kinda bored now...Good luck in Eco AP tomorrow Ms. Marshmallow B00bs :P

5/11/04^[9:14pm]--So...after Ev got her new tagboard, I realized that once again hers is better than the crap everyone else has. So...I switched to her service instead of the crap that Wallace uses...this one actually tells time right I think...will miss you after I leave...

5/11/04^[6:55pm]--So...woke up tired as hell after sleeping at 2am doing stupid govt hw...still not was always part of school today was us trying to shove Margaret into a locker. She almost fit too. So...she's gonna go in shorts tomorrow and see if she can actually get in there. I plan on closing the locker door ;) Got back home and slept...just slept...would have been a better nap if HaZelnut was here...woke up to the sound of phone ringing. Had an interesting chat...then went online for a few minutes. Chest deprivation? Thank God no ^_-. So...came back from B&N a few minutes ago. Went to Kroger's and bought a bag of Doritos Salsa Verde and 3 bottles of Crystal Clear to prep for studying. Realized I didn't know shit after calling Margaret and just decided to screw AP. Not taking govt AP. That's it. Over. I feel good about it though...oh well...Ev's mom and her 30 minute rule...really sux...and setting up a new plan. Tell me the idea!

5/11/04^[1:55am]--Fuckin fuckin government...and AP's tomorrow too...dammit. Stupid ch. 4 packet. Ugh...just wanna give up...anyway. Went to Coco's for dinner since basketball made me so hungry. Had to chicken breast with noodle soup meals. Waiter looked at me as if I was insane. Must've been like 6 pounds worth of full. Finally made a new tagboard since Activetopic doesn't seem to be comin back up anytime soon...

5/10/04^[3:52pm]--Prom pics are up. They're on the front page under links, or you can go to them here: . Login is Adventeve and password is slickwang. Meanwhile...I'm thinking that Activetopic went out of business or something cuz I don't think the tagboard's ever gonna come back up...

5/10/04^[3:20pm]--Still can't forget about early morning yesterday...but first off, thanks again Ev for giving me the wakeup call. I woulda so been late for the bio AP if it weren't for you. As for the AP itself, didn't get enough SoBe down before the test, so fell asleep in last half hour. Oh well. At least a 4 I guess. Wasn't too bad. So yeah, afterwards in Government the screw came off of one side of my glasses, so Benny helped out and took me to his house where he had one those screwdrivers small enough to fix it. Thanks man. Afterwards we went to my house to play some basketball to help him ease up. I think the last time I played was like 2 years ago...and I still suck. Benny must've sucked worse cuz I beat him HORSE 2-1 and 1on 1 five-to-one :P . Just took a shower and waiting...

5/9/04^[6:122pm]--So...finally back and awake. Prom was really something...chronolog:
1) Went with Benny to get flowers at around 2. After he picks me up, he realizes he forgot his receipt, so we ended up going back to get it. We finally get the flowers and while Benny's filling up on gas, I realize the lady forgot to shove in some blue flowers and had to go back and get them stuck in the bouquet last minute. So left for Ev's around 3.
2) Showed up at Ev's house at 4, but gave us some time to hang around and sign yearbooks. Went to Zula's for dinner, and got lost like fifty times cuz of GODDAMN ONE WAY STREETS in downtown and also from Evelyn's lack of directional sense :P . Finally got there around 6:30 though and met up with Jenny and Brian, and food wasn't that great. Their tomatoes were though. Great tomatoes.
3) Showed up at prom (Regency Hyatt) right when it started. The food there was incredible. Enchiladas, gourmet shrimp, omg omg...and a GIANT FRUIT TREE! They made this tree trunk out of pineapples and stuck all these fruits to it on toothpicks and made a fruit tree...amazing...I must've jacked like 50 strawberries that night...talked around the table, saw some people. Apparently everyone on this damn planet knows the most random ppl I've never met...what a slut :P .
4) Danced around every once in a while till the end.
1) Afterprom. They had some weird bingo game thing and I ended up winning like 2-3 times. Got a box of chocolates for Ev and a camera for me. The pizza sucked though...was like Jester Hall pizza...but yeah, can't even remember some of the shit we did there...
2) Stuff
3) Got to Ev's house almost at 7am. She got us going the completely opposite direction on San Jacinto and we ended up in Mexican territory, where we saw this huge headless statue of some guy. So after getting lost an assload more times...made it to her neighborhood.
4) Tired as hell...took a short nap till about 10:30am or so at Ev's house and left for home.
5) Got home around noon and washed car and etc. Ran to bed and slept.
6) Woke up at 6:00pm.
And that was the general summary of the night.
Thanks to:
Ev's mom: for not scaring me and being so nice.
Jenny: for suggesting Zula's (I didn't like it that much, but Ev did)
Brian: For agreeing with me that "Hey Ya!" was the worst song ever made and that Outkast fucking sucks and they sound like a bunch of retards.
Evelyn: For an amazing and unforgettable night. And you don't have to feel sorry, everything worked out.

5/7/04^[6:25pm]--Well...interesting day...tired as hell. Starfox in Russow's room again...won all 4 games...always down to me an Joanna, the AzN ppl...bad news...lost my bowtie...sorry Petra. So now, I'm going tieless I guess...what else...what else...and no more MM's it seems...and also no stupid parking...ugh. least prOm is tomorrow. It's coming...and Benny will get some 4cti0n. We're proud of you :P And keep and eye on Wallace...God knows what he might do...hope all you guys have fun. Take picZ and stuff. If we do, I'll post em. Flowers at 2'o clock Bennio! To prom!

5/6/04^[11:22pm]--So...everyone was takin English AP's but me today. Went to Cinque's during 3rd period cal to watch her little movie. Played Starfox 64 in english. I owned Russow. Was me, Joanna, Steven, and Mr. Russow. Three wins on me and 2 on Joanna. Jo was saying how Russow should take off points from my average if I kept trying to kill him. after school I was like screw bio review thing...if I just do a little studying I'll probably make a 5 since I was borderlining it anyway. But 81 on test! Amazing...since I didn't pay attention to his lecture or read the chapter...went in there knowing just calcitonin and parathyroid yeah...still beat class average tho. Quite satisfied. Meanwhile...apparently also got off and accepted from waitlist at Rochester too...but no $$. So screw it. 2 days till prom...eck...realized that I might have to be in my tux at 2pm or so to get the flowers with Benny...I'm gonna look like such an idiot...ahhh...timetable is so screwed up...gotta see what I can do about the timing and everything...and so much stuff to make sure I do...ahhh...LaterZ.

5/5/04^[6:20pm]--So...Cal AP was gay. Got up at 6:30 from a special call. Went to school around 6:40, but due to Sangu's inaccuracy :P I had to wait like 20 minutes before I could actually eat. So. Drank some SoBe. Man...that stuff's like magic. I was wired the whole day. Insane...but yeah, kinda screwed up on the free response. Oh well...Wallace burned "My Sassy Girl" and I plan to watch it someday. Gotta plan out route and stuff now...Benny's gettin his flowers today. Benny. Mission accomplished ;) Just like Bush. Now if it weren't for Ev being scared, I'd bring some SoBe to prom too...but she's too worried that I might go insane. Too bad...LaterZ and good luck on English AP.

5/4/04^[9:55pm]--So...took bio test today. Didn't look too bad, but apparently the average second and third period was a 61. We might get a 4 point curve...whoop dee doo. Still no email from CW yet. After getting home, went to B&N with Benny to study. After a while took a break by playin some Tetris on the calc. Kept distracting him by saying "French fries!!!" So yeah, after that, around 8, we were gonna go home but Benny mentioned to me that to get a good bouquet of fl0werZ you need to goto a florist and preorder a set. So he gave me a ride there and we took a while debating whether or not I should get a vase or a bouquet. Ended up getting a bouquet since I could get more flowers in it. Had to make a buncha calculations to get the right set of flowers and all, and ended up paying a big chunk of $$. Didn't realize flowers were so d4mn expensive...just one of em was $8. Insane...but oh well. Preordered the set and I think I got it to look at least decently nice. Took a bite outta the wallet. So yeah, then Benny got the idea to get a bouquet too, and doesn't know what he should do. In either case, since my sense of directions is so shitty, he's picking up his corsage and giving me a ride to pick up the flowers on prom afternoon after lunch or something. Thanks yo. And cal AP's some SoBe on Chris's recommendation and gonna chug that stuff down to see if it workZ. It better...

5/4/04^[1:40am]--Oh more thing. Gotta get sleep and think of loopholes for the agreement ^_-.

5/4/04^[1:30am]--Well, thanks to Ev for waking me up at 11. Talked for an hour, and then started looking at bio powerpoints. Then kinda gave up. Can't memorize that. Impossible. Ugh. And cal AP's tomorrow. I'm so fuCkEd. Gotta get my series stuff straight and Euler's method. What an ass. Stupid Euler. Why did I bother signing up for this AP...well at least I'm quite sure no matter what I'll do better than Vicken. Thinking of getting some SoBe tomorrow morning to juice meself up. Maybe, maybe n0t. Hm...n0t quite sure. Stupid stupid AP's. And prom is in less than a week. Less than 5 days...holy crap. Must make checklist...
1) get location, map, and directions
2) get $$
3) wash car
4) buy r0s3s and c0rs4ge
5) get bowtie from Petra
6) tell Wallace he's gay
7) bring yearb00k
8) get s0me sparkling SoDa
9) get some Dentyne Ice or something
10) get second set of clothes ready
11) bring pen
12) tell Wallace he's gay again
13) get AP review done for bio
14) calculate timetable
15) hm...I can't think of anything. So why not insult Wallace again. 

5/3/04^[8:00pm]--Damn...woke up with a headache. Wandered around the whole home, and got a call from a waitlisted college. Apparently they've decided to admit and give $14K a year. That's a good chunk of $$. Sad thing is, I've already gotten all ready for the other one and now even though this one is better plus $$ it's a bit of a hassle to change. Ugh...what to do...what to do...

5/2/04^[5:07pm] What an interesting chat last night. New addition to prom. Made an agreement with Ev. I think I actually get the better end of it, but that's just my opinion...oh well. Still quite satisfied. Woke up and had to goto lunch at Peking Cuisine with dad for a business meeting or something. Had a duck. Good stuff...good stuff...just finished the practice bio AP multiple choice and takin a break...1 week countdown. Nice. LaterZ...

Too tired to think of something...