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2/27/04^[11:00pm]-- So school was a bitch. Stupid bio people make the prequiz 10 questions instead of 10 blanks, resulting in 19 impossibly picky blanks. Lucky they didn't run off the post quiz yet or we woulda had to take that. Then free day in chem. Got chem hw done. Interesting event in english today. Sally realized that Russow wanted us to analyze poetry today, so he made Josh distract Russow outside while he hid the books in empty cardboard boxes on top of the shelves. Russow comes in smelling something fishy and realizes the books were gone. But alas, he apparently made COPIES of the poems we were supposed to do today and Sally's near flawless plan was foiled. And Russow seemd to think the books were hidden in my jacket or backpack the whole time. Luckily, he said whoever made a poem with a riddle about the location of the books would get free participation points (which is actually a great deal). So I did it in the end, and he found it. Still a funny situation. And we actually did something in govt. today...just woke up from sleep from 6pm-9pm after watching the Last Samurai that I downloaded. Good movie. Lots of dead people. Stupid Jap emperor was a dumbass. Piano lesson tomorrow...eck. Stupid bio project I gotta finish tonight...and midnight marathon when weekend minutes start. LaterZ.

2/26/04^[7:17pm]--Stupid school. So A on bio test for once. Too bad I didn't study...Stephenson made me stand up for sleeping in cal, so I spent most of class behind Nish and Ajay, who were playing basketball with little paper balls. Damn...and I even got 100 on the quiz. Nothing to pay attention what if her parametrics lesson is "SOOOO" important. I'm ass tired. Need to dl some new more minutes left on cell...I'm gonna be so screwed...

2/24/04^[4:25pm]--Well after going to sleep at like 3am, woke up at 10:50, took shower, and went to school. We were supposed to be there at 11:11, but it turned out that some retard needed more than 5 hours on TAKS, so we started class at like 12:50. Quite fun actually since that meant 6th would last 20 minutes and school would end normally. But, I really wanted a 7th period to replace the sixth so that I could still leave earlier. Luckily, the AP changed his mind at the last second and made us goto lunch and then 7th, meaning I could just leave. Basically, I woke up at noon, only to go to one period of class. Then I go to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and came home. Didn't even feel like we had school today at all. How awesome is that. We should have TAKS more often. Seniority is such an excuse of ignorance.

2/23/04^[8:40pm]--What a what way to better write things than a simple poem? The five-minute verse...
In faith distilled towards early dawn
Parsed from speech
Threatened by yawn.
Each day to pass with wandering intent
Till finally light sheds upon unspoken hint.
In early hours time passes with thrift
To make the mind grow weary and drift.
But barriers behold what lies beneath
Glimmering purity in uncovered sheath.
By the end nothing more to say
All lines revealed
No more to yield.
A chapter unwritten, a trek begins
For future holds such modest kins.
In evening downpour a torrent speech
Pales when paired with midnight preach.
The greatest joy not bought with gold
But rests in statements of "yes" and "no."
Till a month be past
When set in stone
The plans laid out
By those not alone.

2/22/04^[8:38pm]--So had another midnight marathon...this one tops it all. Seven straight hours. No coffee either. So then dad woke me up at 11am for some urgent reason, and then it turns out to be lunch. Then stuck around till I had to drop off sis and then goto interview. Then came back while getting my birthday duck. Good duck. Lots of rain. Wet ass to ankles. It was seriously storming like hell. Ended up driving like an old woman. On another note, it's interesting how what's supposed to be the hardest problem about prom has been solved, and that's who to go with. The problem is getting parents to let me go. How backwards is that. Thanks for the card. I still can't find the string...Sometimes the best presents don't come in packages.

2/21/04^[8:57pm]--Woke up at 2pm...and parents come home wanting to goto the zoo. Ended up going to Kitty Hollow park or something...played frisbee and stuff. Most exercise I've had in a long while...interview and b-day tomorrow. Interesting...interview is at a Starbucks downtown...which is across the street from another Starbucks...which is 2 blocks away from ANOTHER Starbucks...I swear those things are reproducing faster than rabbits...

2/19/04^[10:22pm]--Woke up...chick fil a day. Had 2. Brought Benny to my house so he could check out Unreal Tourney 2004 and also see how a good comp runs it. Interview...turned out that even though I left at 6, I ended up only 30 minutes early cuz of their horrible directions and the fact that the place was nearly impossible to find. Got lost and conf00sed. Ended up finally at the right spot. They told me it was entrance 3 and turned out there was entrance 1 and 4, but 3 was after you entered through 1. How asinine. Traffic jams both ways, but interview went ok. Talked bout all kinds of stuff. We started half an hour early cuz I was there so early and nearly got in a hour's worth of stuff when we were only supposed to spend 30 minutes. This time it was an old white guy and he found it ironic that almost all of my other interviews took place at Starbucks. So then went to Taco Bell after getting home and gotta start on homework. Light Hazelnut.

2/18/04^[7:51pm]--Woke up. Went to school like 2 hours before my first class started. Got some food. Got some bio lab done. Got some bio studying done. Everything was perfectly peachy. Too many quizzes and tests...and I still have no idea how to do the logistics problems for the quiz tomorrow (namely because you're required to have a TI-89 and I've been doing everything this year without one. That's deserves some special commendation). So yeah...took a really short nap and prolly gonna study some bio and talk on the phone before I go to sleep. Thinking of taking another map and waking up so that parents will be asleep.

2/18/04^[1:40am]--Ok it is currently almost 2 in the morning. Stupid english project. Stupid bio. Stupid stupid homework. Spent FOUR hours on english project...looks nice though. Got lab questions done. while working on english and talking on phone at same time. I need sleep. Sugar high or something. Maybe it's the soybeans. No. Can't be the soybean drink. No coffee. Can't be coffee. Only had 4 hours of sleep. Need more. Much. Much. More. So now listening to music. Can't sleep. Wanna buy some Chick-Fil-A sandwiches tomorrow. Really want to. Not sure the car will survive the journy though. Arg. Stupid Oei. He gets an Infiniti. Why does a kid get a lux car? Not right. Rich bastards. Crappy cars build character. Like 3 transactions tonight. All successful. Loan and payment made. Excellent. Everything falls into place. Nice chat. Light hazelnuts. I'm out. LaterZ.

2/17/04^[4:30pm]--So...woke up feeling better than usual. School, nothing new. Came home, had a coupla sandwiches, and tired. Stupid english satire project...light hazelnuts...still funny. Gonna take a nap...then start english stuff.

2/15/04^[1:00pm] wanted to go character building had to wake up at 11am to help him cut and carry tree limbs. He was cutting (with chainsaw mind you) and I was towing these stupid limbs. Must've been like 50 of em. I swear if he had his way he'd prolly go off and cut every tree he sees for the hell of it. Didn't work out too well for me since I was planning to sleep till 2pm after another phone marathon. Ate lunch, prolly gonna catch up on some sleep now and then do some hw. Light hazelnuts. That's still pretty funny. LaterZ...

2/14/04^[5:25pm]--Woke up at 2pm today due to the 4 hour telephone marathon last night/morning. Was fun. But it would really suck if they didn't start counting weekend minutes till like 7am or something...oh well. At least tonight it's weekend minutes for sure. Got screwed in piano today cuz woke up so late...then did some rebates and prolly gonna work on bio outline. Happy Valentines Day.

2/13/04^[6:50pm]--Another interview...first time it wasn't a young azn guy. Still pretty cool. Piano lesson tomorrow...need to out of practice...

2/12/04^[9:25pm]--Bio test...impossibly hard. Chem 2 test...impossibly hard. Got counselor presents for all the applications help. 2 boxes o' Ferrero Rocher chocolates...those are really good. Then chick-fil-A. Funny thing...english Abdallah was looking up random flash animations and towards the end he pulled up a picture of jordan (the one without his shirt) and wanted to post it as Russow's wallpaper. So then one of the assistant principals walked in and me and Abdallah were left there just looking and Abdallah just closed the pic. The guy sorta saw some half naked guy pic and was like "what was that?! open it again" So, Abdallah came up with this great excuse about how we were working on our satire project and he opened explorer and searched for satire and clicked on some random link. Led him to a page with a pic of some muslim woman and a buncha other links. Abdallah told him it was one of those links but he didn't remember, and the AP was like ok and made him shut down the comps. Luckily Abdallah went online to look for it or Russow might have gotten in trouble. Jordan ended up getting my revenge valentine and I heard it was funny as hell cuz the guy who sang his actually got on his desk and started doing stuff. Meanwhile, Bob got another prank one and the guy started reaching for his hand and all. The one I sent for chris worked out nice, especially since I found out Chad brings a keyboard with him when he does his singing valentine. So it was a valentine from Jeff Sun to Chris Barot, done by Chad (a guy) with his keyboard singing "can you feel the love tonight." Brilliant...simply a marvelous plan of mine. Meanwhile, I was acting like I couldn't speak English. After school: stupid bio lab that lasted like 2 hours and couldn't pick up sis so her principal and AP actually dropped her off at my house. Then Abishek was acting like a retard and nearly got me in trouble. Quiz was impossibly hard as usual, and now I got so much crap this weekend with interviews and piano lesson and hw...christ...
And Wallace admits it:
 Evelyn: If it makes you feel better, I don't honestly think you're bi
 Wallace: Okay, disregard whatever Marks says about my sexuality
 Evelyn: ^^
 Evelyn: lol
 Wallace: *phew*
 Wallace: =P
 Evelyn: =patpat=  sokay
 Wallace: It's so disturbing...
 Wallace: EVERYONE thinks I'm a homo
yeah they do son...yeah they do.

2/11/04^[10:52pm]-- From Wallace's blog, I heard Russow's gonna be a dad. I don't know if that's just Wallace making a joke or not, but this is Benny's dirty interpretation:
Matra 6 6 5: i heard russow's gonna be a dad soon
Matra 6 6 5: that's very disturbing
Sad MELnKOLY: whoa
Matra 6 6 5: yeah
Sad MELnKOLY: well... i have heard he and mrs. russow are pretty touchy feely
Matra 6 6 5: this supposedly is offa wallace's blog
Matra 6 6 5: um
Matra 6 6 5: benny
Matra 6 6 5: i dont wanna know how you know that

2/11/04^[5:02pm]--So slept at like 3am and woke up. Wasn't that bad of a day if it weren't for the Chem2, Cal, and Govt tests. Tomorrow's another Chem 2 test and a Bio 2 test. Gonna be hell. Got home early this afternoon and picket up the package. Stupid post office was so full I had to wait 30 minutes on an empty stomach. Postage wasn't that much tho: only $1.98. Then went to Chick-Fil-A and got a sandwich (two). Prolly gonna nap and wake up to study Bio2 at night. Meanwhile talking on the phone most of the time. Just got off of it. Luckily, talking on the phone seems to be having a positive influence since it lets me get some rest and keep me from playing Starcraft. It's quite addictive, and I'm trying to wane myself off of it. Easiest way is to distract myself from the distraction. Also a good way to get some rest. Thanks. LaterZ.

2/10/04^[4:40pm]--Stephenson- Mark...I don't know if you're blind or anything, but you were supposed to make up Friday's quiz yesterday morning and you didn't even do it THIS morning, so I guess you'll have to do it now.
Me- I have no idea what you're talking about...I ended up coming to class on Friday to take it remember?
S- No...Stop trying to get out of it. I would have a record of it if you took it.
Me- This is the quiz that I got a 92 on right?
S- What are you talking about? STOP STALLING!
Me- Look, how bout you flip through your stack. I took the quiz on Friday, and you even showed me my grade yesterday. I made an A. Is there something wrong with that?
S- (flips through papers) Oh! So you did take it. Sorry. (gives glare).
And then the formula quiz, and as for Bio 2 quiz, 40! Think half the class made below like a 50 or something...Tomorrow Chem2 Test, Calculus Test, and Government Test...then Bio Test (which gonna fail worse than the quiz) on Thurs. Holy hell...

2/9/04^[6:44pm]--Well...long ass day. Totally bombed Bio quiz. Hardest one of the year. Impossibly hard. Ungodly hard. And I'll be lucky if I get a 20. Gonna need those extra credit points then I made a 92 on the cal quiz, contrary to Vicken's 48 on the last one and 56 on this one. I dunno if he got the 48 bumped up tho...that's gotta suck. And Stephenson gave me this pissed look while showing my grade. Didn't want me to make an A I guess...then chem lab...gotta get the answers to that soon...Finished burning the dozen cds. That's gonna be like $5.00 for postage :( List of shit this week: Tomorrow- English shit due and Cal Formula quiz. Wednesday: Cal Test (hard), Bio Test (Hard), Chem 2 Test (Hard), and Govt Test (Hard). It's going to be fuckin hell.

2/8/04^[10:22pm]--So made an interesting deal last night (or this morning...whichever). But then had to go attempt to setup stupid Netgear router at office, but I have no experience with networking. So picked up sis from Chinese school later and then CompUSA. Didn't end up buying anything. Good job with the singing Ev. I told you it was a good idea. The phone call was 2:22:22. That's very...2ish. Stupid gov way to be lazy for that is to type up the notecards and tape on the stuff. Bio is done, and everything is set. Plus, plan to screwover Jeff is in consideration.

2/7/04^[11:43pm]--Well...interesting call from U. of Rochester on Thursday...then got to bus of Friday for trip to St. Mark's for math comp in Dallas. Got to miss 6th and 7th, even though I thought it was supposed to be the whole I got screwed. Then, I ended up being with the stupid sophomores cuz I signed up late. But I made sure I got my own hotel bed. Haha...and Ferguson Home School (composed of 1 junior) totally raped us on every test. Clements got 3rd place. And the only seniors who won something was Cynthia and Jennifer...ech...had to build dad another comp...and just finished.

2/4/04^[8:06pm]-- What a messed up sleep schedule...the night before yesterday's I slept from 8pm-12am, did hw from 2am-4pm, and played sc from 4am-6am. Then took shower from 6:00-6:30 (nice long shower...not my usual 5 minutes ones). Had the munchies real bad so went to Chick-Fil-A. They insisted on not giving me the breakfast menu, so I asked if they had any buns. They did, and then I asked if they had any chickent breakfast biscuits, which is basically their usualy chicken breast patty in a biscuit. So I asked them,"Well...If you put the chicken patty into those buns, and then threw in some lettuce and tomatoes, wouldn't you end up having the usual CFA sandwich anyway?" This they acknowledged, so I left with 3 CFA sandwiches for $6.66 (bad number). Went to school and ate all three within 15 minutes. Last night, slept from 9pm-3am and woke up to do stupid English hw...then watched American Wedding that I downloaded overnight. Stupid bio and cal test. At least tomorrow will be lecture thing and Friday will be trip to DALLAS for overnight stayo. Bamboomboom. Max out food. Apparently the counselor got a call from U of Rochester this afternoon...wanted me to write an explanation of why my grades weren't so good but my SAT is. Hm...

2/3/04^[1:00am]--Made a feeble attempt to make an audio stream. You're supposed to convert to Real Audio and then link the page in a text file that you rename to .ram or .rm. It worked halfway I guess but there was no sound. It was streamin, but it wasn't streaming audio...piece of shit...why doesn't tripod add an mp3 streamer thing. Oh well...stupid English stuff due much crap to do...

2/1/04^[10:22pm]-- Woke up, dragged branches, did stuff. Stupid bio one has data. I'm screwed. Scr000d!!! Whoop dee fucking doo. I got into A&M. The backup of the backup schools. Retard Henry won't call Tung to ask about the bio hw.

I jes ju qui ges hoo eva waz srang
Aegis jue va toh do ki wah.--I do NOT know Jap.
I need today...too lazy to type out the details so I'm just gonna and paste howard's...he did a good summary:
---"was "proctoring" during the morning... actually i WAS proctoring in my room.. at least more than mark yu. yeah, we played starcraft first, then unreal tournament, then CS, then unreal tournament. i didn't play too much UT though becuz i kinda don't know that game... then after proctoring went to the computer lab (steinbrecher's room).. that's where the grading and sorting tests is going on.. but the the thing is, computer lab+MANY starcraft CD's+15 boxes of pizza+lots of drinks = party!! hahahahaha... so fun... i counted exactly 8 screens of starcraft going on... wow... and there was some CS going on too.. but not as much as starcraft. yeah lots of ppl there.. saw henry tsai too... bellaire pwned everyone. they got like first place with like 1400 somethign points.. while second place (clear lake) got around 300 or 400 points... lol... major pwnage."---
But for extra details: Chris and I woke up at like 7am and went to Shipley's to get the ppl donuts. Turns out there were already like 5 boxes that the teacher bought. Henry got totally raped in like every game. Chris and I were universal dominators in Unreal Tourney and Starcraft. Wasn't even see like first and second place with 40+ kills and then third place is like 9. That's how ungodly our slaughter was. Vijay was a retard trying to open a two liter bottle of coke that Henry dropped on the floor and was fizzing. Got it all over himself. Some of the contestants were wondering wtf was going on when someone from across the hall screams "omg i totally pwned him." And then the furious typing of the keys and click of the mouse. The flurry of wrist movements and silent cursing. Nobody was too inconspicuous about it. Some of the contestants even got on in their spare time to join the LAN. I think I basically started a tradition...Last year it worked because I just realized that everyone was bored and needed something to do. This year it was planned so that everyone would BYOC (bring your own cd). But then Chris and I brought extras. When we graduate, chances are they're probably continue the lan party idea for years to come...haha. Then Lance kept popping in and out for no reason and found out tonight that he was actually managing the concession stand. With a basketball. This from the guy who misspelled his own name, misspelled "word", and got his grammar totally conf00sed. His poster was even full of scratch outs and whatnot. So afterwards, we went to best buy, but they got rid of Soul Calibur 2...too bad...dropped off Henry and Chris and slept from 5-9. Tired as hell. Woke up to do some work for Dad and some hw.