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What a tangled web we weave...

10/31/03-- Well first time updating it in a while...not much new to say. Finished common app, failed a coupla chem tests, bumped up the bio quiz grades a little, and consulted some reliable people on college apps in general. Much thanks to Ashleigh for keeping me from going crazy over my deadline. Also thanks to James for his moral support...I think. When I finish them apps I'm going to watch one of them things they call a movie.'s also fixed for good I hope. Need to get a tire rotation tho. And crapass english paper is gonna be do...the hell am I gonna doo? Too much crap they give over the weekend...too little time...found out there some fucked up morons in my chem class...Nicky is a guy's that short for Nicholas? Cuz if it is, why don't they just say Nick. Not to mention, the guy's cousin is Chunky. Like, literally. I call him Chunky Munky. Then there's some fat dude sitting behind me who always talk to him and my head's stuck in the middle. If that guy gets me sick I'm gonna be grand pissed...he always has like a damn cold or something. Then there's like the organization of the room. On one side, there's like asian girls. It starts off with fobs, then it goes to Melody, who I'm not sure if she's a fob or not, then it goes around, and it turns Indian with some white people like Petra and Sarah (who's really Arabic but really looks Mexican...wait...neither of those is white...) sprinkled around. Then it goes around again...and there's the white section with some Indian people like potman Survam evenly distributed in that area. And on the other extreme of the room you have the azn girls again who aren't fobs. Such is the diversity of chemistry...when the teacher also coaches Brazilian jiu jitsu and is buff as hell.

10/20/03-- Well computer club had its first meeting and I guess everything is back to gaming according to our sponsor, who seems to play quite a bit. Things would be much easier if they would just combine the two and have one club to begin with...So, we're in a dilemma. The clubs are now revolving around gaming and it's going to be quite a problem. On one side you have the hardware people fitting together a rig, while on the other side you have the software people (including me) who are probably going to be tweaking and optimizing the rigs for maximum *ahem*productivity*ahem*. Which makes me think...both clubs really should be one. You can't have hardware without software, and you can't have any software if you don't have the hardware to run it. Simply put, I don't see why the damn fobs won't just let us have the whole thing cuz at least we know what we're doing (and actually speak english).

10/03/03--Damn parents can be annoying sometimes...89 on impossibly hard chem test, but 98 on english college essay, which makes me think it's a good idea to submit it. Considering it a stroke of brilliance. Chem quiz is prolly fucked, but so screw it. Chess tournament this weekend, but of course I charge for gas for ride considering my car goes 10 mpg (which is actually how much a tank goes by). Apps are underway, but still things are getting cut pretty close. So what, so fuck it.

"Senora?"--Chris Barot, Professional Jackass

...when we first practice to deceive.