7/26/03-- Well, back from UT Austin Honors Colloquim with free shirts and stuff. Going to China tomorrow...mass shopping.
Got results of sequencing and got 3/4 samples positive (yeah!!!)...other 4 samples will probably be tested sometime this week...
7/19/03-- Well...that about ends it for my stay in San Francisco. Finished everything up yesterday along with the last
2 experiments. Everything seems to have worked out and I got to photocopy my records. Not to mention, lots of cool stuff will
be happening in a year or so. To sum it all up, I'd like to thank:
1) My kind hosts for poviding me with room, board, transportation, and dvd entertainment as well as internet access.
2) My instructor for being so patient in teaching me the nuts and bolts of laboratory research.
3) Lei for a terrific Saturday night (you were right...it was a pretty good movie but the Mexican food still sucked--you
get what you paid for...).
4) Lida for some rather odd conversations that were nonetheless welcome.
5) Aditya for being someone to get yelled at cuz he still didn't finish the damn map (you better get it done asshole).
6) Jas for informing me how he and his friends all puked during the Warp Tour.
7) College Board for sending my AP scores late so my parents won't have to see them before I come back.
I think that's about it...till next time...
7/05/03-- Damn this place got nice food...and some damn people got my cell number somehow...watched Sum of All Fears
last night and probably gonna see another movie tonight. Results of the PCR yesterday are quite promising...
7/12/03-- Free weekend minutes :) Now I can call friends for free. Still need to plan the chain conference call...gonna
leech T-Mobile dry...So anyway, today I'm gonna go over to Lei's and hang out. Haven't seen her in a while. Thankfully, my
hosts are nice enough to extend their hospitality so that I could get a ride to her place. Then tomorrow I'm
visiting Stanford and then eating dinner at some place who're friends of my host. Hopefully it's going to be a fun afternoon.
Prolly gonna call a buncha people later on tonight and talk. Gotta use those minutes...
7/10/03-- I see dumb people...they're everywhere...they walk around like everyone else...they don't even know they're
Well...not really much to say...same old SF research thing...but I had a terrific Kung Pao chicken lunch...
7/9/03--Went to Disneyland a few days ago and now I'm in a 2 week little "vacation" in San Francisco. It's quite fun,
and rather an interesting experience. One person who's a researcher looks like what Mango's gonna look like in 20 years or
so. Right now on a break while running the gel. Can't really update much cuz all my data is on my comp at home. Now that my
parents insisted on getting the password to my file even when I made them their own, I'm quite worried about my dad screwing
around and crashing my comp AGAIN. Well, at least their comps don't have too great of a firewall so the AIM proxy still works.
And happy birthday Lida. Too bad I wasn't able to say it in person. And that's it for now I guess...this is the first time
I've been able to add something b/c of time restraints...till next time...
7/1/03--Well...I leaving in two days...got crappy writing and literature sat scores back, and pure shit...the red...